How can managers help prevent absenteeism?

06 July 2022
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The link between leadership and wellbeing

"People who resign are more likely leaving their manager rather than their job". 30% of the aforementioned long-term cases of absenteeism are stress-related. According to Cédric Velghe, researcher and manager of The VIGOR Unit, research shows a clear link between leadership and well-being. In cases of burn-out, stress and absenteeism, there can also be weak or even no leadership. Destructive or abusive management is also a cause of low well-being. Speaker Rik Vera made no bones about it: the ideal manager must comply with the H.E.A.R.T. principle: he or she must be honest, ethical, authentic, responsible and transparent.

Want to take a look at this fascinating day? Watch the aftermovie below!

Feel like going a step further with the main lessons learned during this inspiring day?

Wellbeing of executives as a domino effect

If executives are to reduce the rising absenteeism figures, they obviously need to feel happy themselves. This can in turn create a domino effect for the entire organisation.

Training programmes for managers on how to deal with the stress in the organisation could be particularly effective. A thorough needs analysis has to be carried out prior to such a programme, however. Managers would be more motivated to grow if their needs were assessed beforehand.

That is why, in cooperation with AG, Waldon, has developed a support programme: High Energy Habits for Leaders. Our vision? Those who take better care of themselves, also take better care of the members of their team.

Bring support to your people managers